Sunday, June 29, 2014

Detoxification and Weight Loss

Many clients complain that they have tried dieting, exercise, eliminating certain foods and/or sugar and many different things to lose weight, but nothing seems to work. Maybe you can relate to this.

Often, the underlying cause is toxicity. We live in a toxic are residues in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the chemicals in our homes, offices, cars, even the byproducts of our internal cellular metabolism and functioning, digestive problems, hormonal dysregulation and residues etc. So there are exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) factors to consider. Substances that are applied to our skin like make-up, lotions and potions if not natural, all get absorbed for the body to deal with.

When your liver isn't clearing these chemicals, and your body doesn't know how to process something it stores it into fat cells. They are loaded with chemicals. Many dangerous chemicals like DDT inhabit our cells. The body does this to protect us. Recently it was revealed just how toxic we are inside our cells. When they are full, the body just makes more layers of fat cells. So your weight gain therefore may be because you are toxic.

It is important to keep the body clean inside and out. Most people shower once or twice daily, wash their hair, and brush their teeth to stay clean, but do nothing to clean internally. I don't mean a lemon cleanse where that is all you do for days or weeks, or a bowel purge, I am referring to a proper cleanse where you clean the the filtering organs of the body, the liver and kidney, and even the lymphatic system.

Between our cells there is a gelatinous substance called the extracellular matrix (ECM). Our cells swim around in this and "talk" to each other all the time which is how the body works.Messages go in and out of cells.The cells have receptor sites on them for many different chemicals and hormones etc, which act as signals to the brain about what it needs to produce more of or less of to keep the body healthy.

If this ECM becomes clogged and blocked, things begin to stagnate, which eventually leads to inflammation, and that is what causes illness. Diseases like cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia and many many more, have this stagnation as a major cause. It may interest you to know that if you have a clean ECM, you don't get sick.

So, you may have realized if you have read this far, the importance of having a clean body. So if you are serious about weight loss and struggling with it, and normally don't do anything to detoxify, this may be why you are holding onto the excess weight. Your cells are toxic.

What to do about it?

To kick start your weight loss go and see a Naturopath and learn about what you need to do to get the fastest and the safest results. It isn't about going to a supermarket and buying an over the counter miracle pill. Go and get assessed for individual help and get the best products that are from professionals.

Then eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables, some fruit, lean proteins at every meal, and low GI carbs. Drink plenty of pure water and put some essential oils into it to help break down toxins, flush the system and boost the metabolism. Have some herbal teas, get some exercise, do some deep breathing every day, walk in nature, de-stress your life and meditate or get hypnosis if you need it.

This is a great way to start any weight loss program or even health and wellness program. Of you need extra help consider testing for allergies, thyroid health, cortisol  and other hormone levels and think about cutting wheat and dairy out of your diet.

An alkaline body is what is needed also, so reduce red meat, cut out sugary foods, limit alcohol, and coffee and have green juices daily.

A great juice to have is:
  • greens (like celery, kale, spinach, parsley, cucumber, sprouts), 
  • beetroot 
  • carrot.  
  • apple
Your body will love you for it!

Thursday, June 26, 2014


As part of a Naturopathic clinic we profess that you should have a healthy eating plan, some moderate exercise, and plenty of pure water, but this doesn't always "hit the spot".

This spot may be a muffin top, wobbly cellulite prone thighs, love handles get the picture.

Some people battle with these for years without getting results, so they opt for surgery. Besides the obvious risks and expense, it is also painful. This is why after much research we have the state-of-the-art equipment in the clinic that can help you shift this stubborn fat. 

If you need help losing some weight we can put you on a healthy eating plan as well. Sometimes though the weight doesn't even shift then, so we have to look at toxicity. Many people are toxic which leads to fatty deposits. The adipocytes (fat cells) have blown out of proprtion as they are so full of  stored toxins. 

Many clients have suddenly began to lose weight as soon as they have detoxified. The body finally lets go and allows the fat to leave as the cells shrink. Te clinic's equipment can help this process by working with complementing this process, and the body loses centimetres in weeks.

So these are 3 of the packages we have put together. Note the added bonus of 2 FREE treatments with the equipment to help you out.

Choose the package that suits you and watch the kilos and cms melt away.

These have been proven to be effective with my clients even when used individually, but much more so when used in combination.
I have also found that sometimes a detox will kick start weight loss in people that have had problems losing in the past.

Here are the packages.....

If you have a healthy diet and exercise a little, but have some troublesome fatty areas you'd like to shift and tone up then
the ultrasound/RF/Biomesosculpture package is ideal for you

This package consists of:
-Buy 6 hour long treatments PLUS you get 2 for FREE
-30 minute complimentary initial consultation
-PLUS a 15ml bottle of Metabolism boosting essential oils

Cost to you $720


If you would like to lose some all over weight fast, as well as lose those fatty areas and tone up, AND adopt a healthy eating plan,
(including some delicious specialized protein shakes and metabolism boosting essential oils) then.....

Offer 2 includes...
-Buy 6 hour long treatments of Ultrasound/RF/Biomesosculpture and get an extra 2 for FREE
-30 minute complimentary initial consultation
-2 protein shakes (vanilla, chocolate or mixed)
-4 Metabolism boosting essential oils
- a healthy eating plan
Cost to You $955


Often the reason for your weight problem is actually that you are toxic. Kick start your weightloss with a homeopathic detox.
Just add drops to water and drink during the day. Combined with a healthy eating plan, protein shakes, metabolism boosting essential oils,salon fatloss treatments and you can't go wrong.

Here is what you get:

-Buy 6 hour long Ultrasound/RF/Biomesosculpture treatments and get 2 FREE,
-30 minute complimentary initial consultation
-2 Protein Powders,
-4 metabolism boosting essential oils

- a healthy eating plan
-Homeopathic detox kit

Cost to you only $1035

Now you can choose to lose however it suits you, fast or slower.
You SAVE $770 on these packages, which is HUGE. You can put it toward your next holiday or your new wardrobe. 

Take action because nothing will happen if you don't.

All treatments given by qualified Naturopath/Hypnotherapist.
Some private health rebates may also apply.

Hypnosis is available if required.

These offers are only available for a limited time so call
 (03)9723 1223  to make a booking

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lose Fat Faster

The best and healthiest way to lose weight is to eat smaller portions of a balanced diet and increase your exercise. When you eat a high protein and low GI diet with just the right amount of good fats, your body can't help but begin to slim down. Add to this lots of pure fresh water (not carbonated sodas) and you have the recipe for a successful approach to weight loss or weight management.

A good way to know that you are eating the correct amount of these foods for your own individual needs is to use the palm method. It is pretty simple and eliminates the need for weighing your foods before every meal.

The general rule is as follows:

Protein - 1 palm sized portion of -

Cheese -low fat             Chicken              Duck                Eggs           Fish           Kangaroo
Lamb                             Beef                   Mussels            Oysters       Pork          Prawns
Scallops                         Squid                 Turkey              Veal           Tofu or Tempeh*

                   * You can have 2 palm portions per meal of Tofu and Tempeh

Vegetables to eat more of - (3 handfuls (raw) per meal)

Alfalfa spouts          Artichokes             Asian greens             Asparagus            Baby Spinach
Bamboo shoots        Bean Sprouts         Bok Choy                 Broccoli                Brussel sprouts
Cabbage                   Capsicum              Cauliflower              Celery                    Chard
Coleslaw, dry           Cucumber              Eggplant                  Endive                   Fennel
Green Beans             Kale                      Kohlrabi                   Leeks                    Lettuce
Mushrooms              Okra                      Olives                      Onions                   Radicchio
Radish                      Rocket                   Sea Vegetables        Snow peas             Spinach
Sprouts                     Squash                  Tomato                     Turnip                  Water chestnuts

LIMIT these Vegetables to 1 handful (raw) daily (total) -

Avocado                Carrots                    Corn                    Parsnip            Peas           Pumpkin

AVOID these Vegetables -

 Potato                 Sweet potato              Cassava

Allowable Fruits - 1 handful of allowed fruit may replace 1 handful of vegetables once daily -

Apples             Apricots            Blackberries              Blueberries           Cherries           Grapefruit
Lemons            Limes                Mulberries                Nectarines             Passionfruit      Peach
Pears               Raspberries        Rockmelon               Strawberries         Watermelon

Nuts and Seeds - 3 finger portion -

Almonds          Brazil Nuts         Coconut Meat          Flax/Linseed         Hazelnuts           Macadamia
Pecans             Pepitas               Pine Nuts                 Pistacchio             Sesame Seeds    Sunflower seeds

Recommended Condiments and Oils-

Healthy Oils  -1 or 2 tablespoons per day- Cold pressed oil preferable.
 Coconut Oil       Flax/Linseed Oil          Macadamia Oil           Olive Oil        Sesame Oil       Walnut Oil

Condiments - Soy sauce     All spices       All herbs

Allowed Sweeteners -  Splenda (sucralose)         Stevia

Meal Replacements and Protein Bars are also acceptable that are obviously high in good quality protein and nutrients, and low in fat and sugar.

What Else Can Be of Benefit?
The Metagenics Shake It Program has some easy to follow, delicious recipe books, dietary suggestions and a range of Protein shakes, Protein Bars and a versatile high Protein Vegetable Soup. To find out more go to the Shake It website.

If you have cravings and/or blood sugar irregularities you can also benefit by taking supplements to balance those cravings. Many of these supplements contain chromium and other nutrients which are especially beneficial when on a restricted carbohydrate diet and maintain healthy blood sugar levels and participate in glucose metabolism.

Other supplements are available which support blood sugar disorders with an inflammatory component, such as diabetes 2. These contain herbs as well as chromium to help with healthy glucose metabolism.

If you have a slow metabolism supplements containing green tea, capsicum and even cocoa (yes, cocoa),
help to speed up a lagging metabolism and give it a boost.

The supplements mentioned above are available by calling me or sending me an email.

When you eat well, exercise (walking will do nicely), drink lots of pure or filtered water, balance your chemistry with supplements if needed, you will win the battle of the bulge.

However, don't forget your mental attitude. You have to focus on what you want and where you want to be to draw it to you.  If you focus on how much extra weight you're carrying, how hard it is to become slim etc, you will have a difficult time. Instead, work toward your goal appreciating any change and with gratitude, thinking only positive thoughts, and visualizing your desired outcome, you will attract it to you, this new, slimmer you. What you focus on is what you get!

Contact Details
If you would like to contact me for an appointment or a phone consultation if you are not local to Croydon Hills, please call  

Judy Palankay on (03) 9723 1223 (Croydon Hills, Victoria, Australia) to arrange a time.

My email address is if you would rather send an email..

Visit my website at