Many clients complain that they have tried dieting, exercise, eliminating certain foods and/or sugar and many different things to lose weight, but nothing seems to work. Maybe you can relate to this.
Often, the underlying cause is toxicity. We live in a toxic are residues in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the chemicals in our homes, offices, cars, even the byproducts of our internal cellular metabolism and functioning, digestive problems, hormonal dysregulation and residues etc. So there are exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) factors to consider. Substances that are applied to our skin like make-up, lotions and potions if not natural, all get absorbed for the body to deal with.
When your liver isn't clearing these chemicals, and your body doesn't know how to process something it stores it into fat cells. They are loaded with chemicals. Many dangerous chemicals like DDT inhabit our cells. The body does this to protect us. Recently it was revealed just how toxic we are inside our cells. When they are full, the body just makes more layers of fat cells. So your weight gain therefore may be because you are toxic.
It is important to keep the body clean inside and out. Most people shower once or twice daily, wash their hair, and brush their teeth to stay clean, but do nothing to clean internally. I don't mean a lemon cleanse where that is all you do for days or weeks, or a bowel purge, I am referring to a proper cleanse where you clean the the filtering organs of the body, the liver and kidney, and even the lymphatic system.
Between our cells there is a gelatinous substance called the extracellular matrix (ECM). Our cells swim around in this and "talk" to each other all the time which is how the body works.Messages go in and out of cells.The cells have receptor sites on them for many different chemicals and hormones etc, which act as signals to the brain about what it needs to produce more of or less of to keep the body healthy.
If this ECM becomes clogged and blocked, things begin to stagnate, which eventually leads to inflammation, and that is what causes illness. Diseases like cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia and many many more, have this stagnation as a major cause. It may interest you to know that if you have a clean ECM, you don't get sick.
So, you may have realized if you have read this far, the importance of having a clean body. So if you are serious about weight loss and struggling with it, and normally don't do anything to detoxify, this may be why you are holding onto the excess weight. Your cells are toxic.
What to do about it?

Then eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables, some fruit, lean proteins at every meal, and low GI carbs. Drink plenty of pure water and put some essential oils into it to help break down toxins, flush the system and boost the metabolism. Have some herbal teas, get some exercise, do some deep breathing every day, walk in nature, de-stress your life and meditate or get hypnosis if you need it.
This is a great way to start any weight loss program or even health and wellness program. Of you need extra help consider testing for allergies, thyroid health, cortisol and other hormone levels and think about cutting wheat and dairy out of your diet.
An alkaline body is what is needed also, so reduce red meat, cut out sugary foods, limit alcohol, and coffee and have green juices daily.
A great juice to have is:
- greens (like celery, kale, spinach, parsley, cucumber, sprouts),
- beetroot
- carrot.
- apple